Aegean Style Stuffed Tomatoes with Olive Oil

Aegean Style Stuffed Tomatoes with Olive Oil (for 4 persons)

4 medium-size firm tomatoes
2 medium-size onions
4 tablespoons of rice (waited in the water for at least 30 minutes)
1 tablespoon of dry mint
¼ teaspoon of cinnamon
½ teaspoon of ground black pepper
½ bunch of dill and parsley
½ glass of olive oil
Salt and sugar according to your taste

First, cut the top parts of tomatoes as one slice (in order to use to cover them after stuffing) and carve all tomatoes. Keep the carved content aside after drilling and mincing. Mince onions as much as you can, add them to a pot with ¾ of the olive oil, and stir on a very low flame. Once onions are pink, add the tomato content and stir until dry. Pour the wet rice, sprinkle salt and stir all until grainy and add all the seasonings (dry mint, black pepper, cinnamon) and sugar and stir a few times more.

Pour ¼ glass of boiling water and stir a few times and cover the pot. One minute later turn off the flames as it will still cook with steam.

15 minutes later stir the mixture with minced parsley and dill, stuff tomatoes, and place them in a proper oven-safe pot. Adding ¼ glass of water, pour the rest of the olive oil and cover the lid. Bake it in a preheated 200°C oven for 35 minutes.

 Let the pot cool while covered and then serve.